Thursday, February 20, 2014

Server set up

We've spent the previous two nights setting up the server and our work environments.  This has consisted of downloading and installing Python 3, Django, and MySQL.  We also have a server setup with an initial database that we can begin to work with.

We had some initial difficulty installing Django onto our server because Python 2.7 was the default Python installation, and so Django automatically installed itself onto Python 2.7.  Instead we had to manually download Django and manually installed it into Python3.

We all have a lot of learning to do concerning Django, MySQL, and installing other packages that we will need.  This is all fairly new territory for us, and we are all trying to learn on the go.

We haven't yet started working on a website for users to access.

1 comment:

  1. We also made the decision to use Python3 and MySQL, two decisions that we are now finding out do not play well together. MySQL does not currently support Python3. It seems that we will have to install PyMySQL and use that if we want to be able to use the two in conjunction. Here are two links that I have found that may be useful in getting Python3 to work with MySQL and django:
